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                                                                                                                                 Return and Delivery Policy

  • Can I cancel my order?

Yes, you can cancel your order; If the status of your order is paid and you wish to cancel the order then simply go to the “Order History” page and cancel your order from the “Order detail” page by submitting the order cancellation form from clicking on the cancel button below. Your Order will be simply canceled without waiting for any cancellation request to be approved by 

If your order is not delivered to the courier service and the status of your order is processed to shipped, please go to "Order History page" by visiting our website ( and click the Cancel button displaying on the order detail page or send your requests to to cancel your order or request product replacement.

[If you have received an email of order shipped then you have to wait for the cancellation request to be approved by]

Once your order cancellation request is confirmed, you will be refunded on the credit card you used for the payment if it was made via credit card OR in your wallet If you are a registered user. The timing of refunds may vary depending on the bank's internal processes and there might be delays. Please follow the process through your bank. In the case of payment in installments, refund is also performed in installments due to bank processes.

  • I want to return/replace my product. What are the Return/Replacement Terms?

If you wish to return or replace your order than to submit your product return/replacement requests, please visit our website,   and go to "MembershipMy Account / Product Return Request" for submission of your request or email us at within 20_days after you receive the shipped product from the courier service. You can return your product by submitting the return request to

Please visit our website,  go to "Order History Page On the View Order button " and click “ Return Button ” from the bottom right top left corner to create a product return/replacement request.  After selecting the order you want to proceed with, please first deselect click x the checkbox to remove products that you don't request any return/replacement and then select relevant items from “package” / “request type” / “reason for return”. Please click the “Next Submit request button to proceed further to enter details of return and click on the Return Button” in the bottom right corner of the page to complete your return/replacement request.

  • Return/Replacement Terms

    -Product returns must be in the original box/package together with the invoice.
    -All standard products must be sent intact and undamaged in their original packages.
    -Any promoted and campaign products given as gifts must also be sent in original packages.
    -Products cannot be returned if the product is customized by the consumer's personal needs or special demands, is not suitable for return due to the nature of the product, has a perishable nature or maybe expired in a short time.
    -All kinds of Cosmetic and Personal Care Products, as well as any types of Software, Processor (CPU) programs, DVDs, VCDs, CDs and Cassettes, Computer and Stationery Consumable materials (e.g. toners, cartridges, stripes, etc.) can only be returned if the original packaging is unopened.
    -Hygienic products (e.g. underwear), supermarket products (e.g. food products), as well as periodical publications such as newspapers and magazines, cannot be returned.
    -Products valued in a stock exchange or other organized markets (gold category) cannot be returned.

Please note the above-mentioned terms and return the product by specifying the company code_____

The sender is responsible for covering the shipment fee for return transactions performed through other courier companies than DHL.

  • Legal entity refunds:

If you placed your order on  as a legal entity and the invoice was issued on behalf of a company, you must issue a "return invoice" for your product return requests.  Return invoices are issued with the exclusion of shipment fees by the organization a purchase invoice is issued for and delivered to Mall of Turkeya. Product return requests will not be processed unless they are delivered received to Mall of Turkeya as expected with a return invoice issued. The same procedures applied for individual customers are applicable to legal entities for replacement or return processes regarding the products purchased from

  • When will the refund be reflected in my debit card/credit card upon confirmation of product return?

Upon confirmation of your product return, you will be automatically refunded.

  • On your credit card if the purchase was performed via credit card;
  • On your debit card if the purchase was performed via wire transfer/EFT.
  • On your wallet If you are a registered Customer.

Regarding both transactions, the timing of refunds to your credit card/account may vary depending on the bank's internal processes and there might be delays.  Please follow the process through your bank. In the case of payment in installments, refund is also performed in installments due to bank processes. [Regarding refund in your wallet please Go to “My Account”].

  • Will my refund be deposited into a bank account/credit card other than the card used for the purchase of the returned product?

Yes, your refund will be deposited; If you return your purchases on, the refund is deposited only into the payment methods and instrument used while placing the order. [Refunded amount will be deposited into your wallet so that you can use that amount to purchase another product from]

  • Will I be charged a shipping fee when I return the product?

No, you are not subject to a "shipment fee" when returning the products. You can therefore send the product for return/replacement by specifying the company code _______.

  • After sending the product, how can I track the status?

You can track the status of your order; after your product is received by , its package, accessories and invoice (*) will be controlled.

If a product return is approved, “product cost” will be refunded to you within 10 working days depending on your preferences regarding the product return application.

If your return does not meet the product return criteria, the product will be shipped back to your address free of charge. To track your product's status, please go to "Order History Page My Orders" under "My Account" click on the View Order button displaying in the right corner; on the Order detail page track order button is available.

(*) If you have issued a corporate invoice for product to be returned, you must submit it along with a return invoice issued by the relevant company. A return invoice must be issued without the shipment fee (e.g. product unit price + VAT (value added tax)).

  • The product I purchased turned out to be defective. What should I do?

If the purchased product turned out defective then Please contact us for any defect issues regarding your product within 7 days after receiving the product. You can return the product without paying any "shipment fee" by using the 'courier shipment code' assigned.

After the product is received by , it will be checked together with the package and accessories and sent for inspection. The product can either be replaced by a new product, refunded, or shipped back to you after reparation within 20 working days following the receipt of the product by the Authorized Department based on the inspection report by the said department.

However, if product defect is found to be associated with “misuse” (hitting, falling, liquid contact etc.), no actions will be taken. [Refund will not be processed  If received a product but not as expected.]


Please refer to the below information to contact our shipping company.

  • Wrong products were delivered. What should I do?

If you have received a wrong product which you have not ordered for; than Please click “Return and Redelivery” button on the right-hand side of the "Order Tracking" page. which is displaying on the Order detail page just below Order Tracking Button” .Please select the product to be processed and complete the "Incorrect Product Delivery" form provided in the "Return and other transactions" step. Please check the "I have read and agree to the Return and Redelivery Terms" box on the right-hand side of the page and click "Continue". A pop-up window will appear and you can follow the steps regarding the product you will return. Click Save and Finish, and your ticket will be created.  Please send us the DHL Cargo shipment code displayed on the screen until the specified date.











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